FAMILY LAW - Divorce
- Khulla
- Separation
- Court Marriage
- Child Custody
- Adoption
- Maintenance
- Recovery of dower/dowry
- Conjugal Rights
- Jactitation of Marriage
| CIVIL LAW - Injunctions
- Civil Litigation
- Damages
- Defamation
- Declaration
- Specific Performance
- Recovery
- Cancellation
- Settlement
- insolvency
PROPERTY - Intellectual property
- Trade Mark
- Copy Right
- Transfer of property
- Lease / sub-lease
- Mutation
- conveyance Deed
- Probate
- Succession
- Letter of Administration
- Partition
- Heirshsip
- Distribution of the deceased property
CORPORATE LAW - Registration of company
- Formation of firm
- Company law
- Company documentations
- Income Tax
- Sales Tax
- Company Assignment
| RENT& BANKING - Rent Law
- Landlord conflict
- vacation of the rented premises
- Increasing the rent
- Banking law
- Recovery of the Loan